Is God Self-evidently True? A response to Hamza Tzortzis

Sci-Lo Green's Blog


Hamza Tzortzis, a researcher for the iERA (Islamic Education & Research Academy) would have us believe this. He makes his case here.

Some might say that the very fact there’s a discussion around the topic (which is not generally accepted as true) is proof enough that this is a false contention. Some might also say that reaching into the hat to pull out this particular rabbit is a tacit admission that theists are losing the evidence argument. Tzortzis claims not.

Let’s review the assertions put forward as evidence for god (I’ll use small ‘g’ throughout for reasons that will become apparent) being a self-evident truth. I’ll then suggest my own test for this claim.

The Piece

The article is structured like this:

  1. Shift burden of evidence from proving the existence of god to reasons to reject his existence
  2. Prove that self-evident truths exist and a belief in god is…

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